
Sustainable Finances

Stichting Etica da Terra (EU)

Sustainable Agriculture


  • Visit of Prof. Dr. Michael Antoniou, biochemical geneticist, PhD in Molecular Genetics, to Brazil, in June 2010, to the events “Alimentos Transgênicos e Sustentabilidade – Qual o efeito sobre a nossa saúde?” (Transgenic Foods and Sustainability – What are the effects on our health?). There were a total of four events in different locations; at the Secretaria de Segurança Alimentar e Combate à Fome (Nutrition Security and Hunger Alleviation Secretariat), in the Municipal Town Hall of São Vicente and another eight municipalities of the area; at the NGO UMAPAZ in São Paulo; at the CRM – Conselho Regional de Medicina (Regional Council of Medicine) and at APM - Associação Paulista de Medicina (Medical Association for the State of São Paulo).

  • An interview with Dr. Michael Antoniou, entitled “An alert about genetic modifications” by the APM (Medical Association for the State of São Paulo) Magazine can be read, in Portuguese here. (begins on page 36)

  • Events at FVG - Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in São Paulo, with the presences of the pioneer in sustainable finances, Paul Mackay, and Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director of the Responsible Technology Institute, and also author of the books “Genetic Roulette” and “Seeds of Deception”. These events took place in 2007, and were entitled “Seminário Internacional - Alimentos Transgênicos - Impactos na Saúde, no Meio Ambiente e na Economia” (International Seminar – Transgenic Foods – Impacts on Health, the Environment and the Economy), and “Alimentos Transgênicos: Impacto na Economia e nos Negocios; Sustentabilidade é rentável?” (Transgenic Foods: Impact on the Economy and in Business; is Sustainability profitable?).

  • The book “Genetic Roulette” was published and launched by the NGO Ética da Terra / Instituto Ita Wegman do Brasil in 2009, with the presence of the author in an event that took place at a cultural bookshop, Livraria Cultura, in São Paulo, followed by the appearance of Jeffrey Smith in the television program Roda Viva which went on air on the 5th of April, 2010.

  • Special participation in a Conference with Dr. Michael Hansen, PhD in the Impacts of Biotechnology in Agriculture, and senior consultant of the largest consumers' association in the world, about the “Security of Foods: What is been discussed in the world with regards to the use of transgenic and pesticides”, in April, 2010, at the headquarters of Cremesp – Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (Regional Council of Medicine for the State of São Paulo, in partnership with IDEC – Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Brazilian Institute for Consumers' Rights). In this occasion the NGO Ética da Terra presented the publications elaborated by the NGO about the theme. As a consequence of this event, IDEC has requested the NGO to be able to put these publications in their website.

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